Thursday, 17 February 2011

illustration friday - sweater

ilustration friday yay decided to take a break and do it this week :) i try and do it every week but sometimes im just too busy .. hope you like... :)

oh ummmm this was done in illustrator i love that porgram iis awesome


  1. hehehehe, cute character! Do you animate in Flash? It's what I work on ;)

  2. Great character! Very funny! and a great lookin sweater! :)

  3. thanking you greatly..... yea I do animate in flash making a film at the moment :) it's awesome kinds of fun..

    thanks very much heheh its tooo big for him but he loves it just the same :)

  4. jajaja so funny I think I'm big on luck, that I liked very much, and the expression of the child.
